What is it?
The SendEncrypted.email service provides your business with the ability to send messages securely right from your desktop’s email client. There’s no need for the creation of third party accounts for your recipient or yourself.
You use your own domain name. Your recipient will not be confused, since the encrypted message comes right from your email address!
The recipient will have an easy to use secure message center on the web from which to view your message, download attachments and respond.
Who needs it?
Any business that wishes to securely send private information, including imaging, documents, financial or health information electronically. The service can be used by any professional who needs to protect his or her clients’ sensitive private information: attorneys, CPAs, medical offices, assisted living facilities, and more.
When should I use it?
Use the encrypted mail service any time you need to protect private information.
Why should I use it?
You may be required by law to use an encrypted mail service for the transmission of private patient information via email. Check the the regulatory bodies associated with your industry. Using an encrypted mail service shows your clients or patients that you care about their privacy by protecting sensitive information.
The general public is welcome to refer their professional services providers to us.